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Some amazing and varied classes to suit everyone, but with one common factor....FUN!!! Zumba, Zumba Toning, Resolution Fit an intense but fun workout targeting specific areas at a time, Smash a dance programme set to any style and hours workout that will leave you felling energised and accomplished, aqua Zumba the same Latin vibes but in the pool for added resistance, and aqua balance, lots of familiar moves and exercises but with that little bit extra umph while you use your core to keep balance.

Personal Training Booty Camp

Depending on location there is something for everyone, whether it be a more intimate and focused  camp, where we can tailor the event to suit you, nutrition advice, bring a gan exlcusive group of friends, have plenty of  peaceful relaxation time, even treat yourself to an in-house facial or semi permanent make up, to return home looking, relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated


Group Training Booty Camp


Feel the party atmosphere, with fantastic music, like minded souls, forget that you are even working out in any of these classes. Or feel the burn with Resolution fit a more intense workout focusing on specific areas at a time. Or use the water as resistance to some cool tunes in the pool


Aqua Balance Booty Camp


Try the new workout where you do all the moves, press ups, sit ups balancing but all whilst engaging your core to stay afloat and not fall off! added bonus of some cool music too


Semi Permanent Beauty Camp
Why not treat yourself to a relaxing facial or for that extra wow factor when you return home have some semi-permanent make up, eyebrows, eyeliner, lip blush or liner
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